A stupid person's blog

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About the website

This website is, very simply, a place for me to dump my thoughts. Be it philosophy or personal feelings, if I write about something and like what I've written, it's bound to find its way here.

Just like the topics, the writing style itself is not restricted to a single form. One post may be an essay and another a short story, hell maybe even a poem! However, it may also be a mix of these; you may read an essay in the middle of which is a poem, or a story written in essayist form. To repeat myself: if I like what I've written, its likely to appear here.


I am likely to mention other works or inspirations in my writing, which can make it confusing if you have never read or seen them. As such, the reference page provides a quick overview of every reference I've used sorted by several criteria, as well as a brief explanation of why I used it.